Ciklus predavanja povodom 40 godina Sekcije za zaštitu životne sredine SHD
Sledeće predavanje u ciklusu održaće
Dr Miloš Davidović
Institut Vinča Univerziteta u Beogradu
Merenje atmosferskih aerosola u životnoj sredini korišćenjem optičke metode i metode zasnovane na električnoj pokretljivosti: teorijske osnove i iskustva iz kampanja u Beogradu i Novom Sadu
20. 12. 2022, u 13.00 h
Konferencijska sala VIDIS centra
Institut „Vinča“, Beograd
Series of lectures on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the SHD Environmental Protection Section
The next lecture in the series will be held by:
Dr. Miloš Davidović
Vinča Institute, University of Belgrade
Measurement of atmospheric aerosols in the environment using optical methods
and methods based on electrical mobility:
theoretical basis and experiences from campaigns in Belgrade and Novi Sad
December 20, 2022, at 1:00 p.m
The conference hall of the VIDIS center
"Vinca" Institute, Belgrade