
The aim of this task is to add value to ongoing and past projects of the partners by developing and implementing scientific dissemination actions in the forms of publications (7 publications are planned), active conference participations in international conferences (9 participations are envisaged), two summer schools organisations and outreach activities towards potential (non-scientific) users.


T 3.1 Conference attendance

T3.2 Scientific publication preparation

T3.3 Virtual training /MOOC development

T3.4 Dissemination and outreach activities towards potential (non-scientific) users

T3.5 Organization of WeBIOPATR conferences

WP number Deliverable Number  Deliverable Title  Lead beneficiary Due Date (in months)  Type  Dissemination level
WP3 D3.1 Initial plan for publications and conference participation 3 – ENEA 7 Report Public
D3.2 Year 2 updated plan for publications andconference participation. Report with annexed evidence of status. 14
D3.3 Year 3 updated plan for conference participation. Report with annexed evidence of status 26
D3.4 Summary report of achievements 36

WP3 Leader

Dr Saverio de Vito ORCID logoRG logo
Full Researcher, Team Leader