The project basis of knowledge has been developed in previous or parallel projects. Project activities will add value to these results, promote excellence in research and enable innovation. Main implementation is through strategy development for the VIDIS centre and annual plans (WP1) implemented in WPs 2 and 3. Thus, the project will have annual cycle, with detailed work plans developed for each year. This working method will ensure scientific coherence and clear direction of the project.

The training activities in WP2 will provide a vehicle for skills enhancement and scientific output through hands-on training in scientific and science management tasks. Special attention will be given to early stage researchers, through specific training, shadowing activities and mentoring. They will be using results of previous and parallel projects, expand them and add value to them.

Dissemination and communication activities will have multiple audiences and will also provide additional training to ESR. They will as much as possible utilize multimedia skills of the ESR, who will also be one of the audiences.

Project as a learning organization will be the main motto of implementation.

The practical involvement of the proposal partners in coordination measures is presented in the Implementation part. Coordinator and partners will participate in realisation all WPs. Coordinator, VINCA, will lead WP1 and WP4. NILU will lead WP2, ENEA will lead WP3, while QUT will also participate in all of the WP’s.